For occupational disciplines, a combination of education and/or experience is required to qualify. A faculty may qualify with any of the following:
- Five years of occupational experience in the field to be taught OR
- Three years of occupational experience in the field to be taught and a Bachelor’s degree or higher OR
- A Master’s degree or higher in the teaching field OR
- A Master’s degree or higher in any field with 18 graduate credits in the teaching field OR
- A Master’s degree or higher in any field with a combination of 24 upper division and/or graduate credits in the teaching field
Occupational Experience
Occupational Experience is demonstrated through employment verification letter of experience in the field or a subfield as follows:
Full time teaching or a full time professional career in a relevant field to the course being taught OR
Part-time teaching or a part-time professional career in a relevant field to the course being taught as well as licensure or national certification in a relevant field to the course being taught.
Part-time work in the field is acceptable due to the free-lance nature of many of the courses taught within the physical education discipline.
National certification may include but is not limited to credentials awarded by the following certifying bodies: American College of Sports Medicine, National Strength and Conditioning Association, National Academy of Sports Medicine, American Council on Exercise, Athletic and Fitness Association of America, Yoga Alliance, Balanced Body, Stott Pilates, Peak Pilates, Basi Pilates, Polestar Pilates, StarGuard Elite, and/or Athletic Coaching. For those subdisciplines within Physical Education for which no national credential has been established, official documentation demonstrating expertise in the field to be taught is acceptable and may include, but is not limited to a professional portfolio, employer letter of recommendation, and/or a copy of a publication.
Exercise Science, Sport Science, Athletic Training. Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology, Clinical Exercise Physiology, Clinical Exercise Science, Motor Learning and Development, Exercise and Wellness, Fitness and Wellness, Health Science, Recreation, Recreation Management, Physical Education, Leisure Studies, Kinesiology, Human Movement, Movement Science, Human Performance, Health Promotion, Health Education, Sports Management Administration, Sports Science and Performance Programming, Healthcare Management, Educational Leadership, Biomechanics, Strength and Conditioning, Public Health, Dance, Coaching, Small Group Training, Group Fitness, Personal Training, Martial Arts, Yoga, Pilates, or Outdoor Recreation
Accepted Subjects in the teaching field: PPE, PED, EXS, KIN, EXW, BIO, SSP, NTR, HSC, FW, HEP, REC, PRM
Additional Course Keywords/Subjects in the Teaching Field
Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Nutrition, Wellness, Health, Health Coaching, Physical Therapy, Health Science, Nursing, PPE, PED, EXS, KIN, EXW, BIO, SSP, NTR, HSC, FW, HEP, REC, PRM. Please contact the Exercise Science, Health & Physical Education, Recreation & Wellness (ESHPERW) Instructional Council for more information.