Geographical Sciences | Geography

Faculty Expertise

The faculty serving on Instructional Councils are best positioned to provide consistent, expert evaluation of faculty coursework and credentials so as to determine relevance within a specific teaching field. Therefore, Human Resources, Department/Division Chairs, Deans, VPAAs, and other stakeholders must coordinate with the relevant Instructional Councils to determine if the established minimum qualifications are met by candidates for Faculty (Residential, Adjunct, or Dual Enrollment) positions.


A graduate degree is required. A faculty may qualify with any of the following:

  • Master’s degree or higher in the teaching field OR
  • Master’s degree or higher in any field with 18 graduate credit hours 
Instructional Council (IC)
Geographical Sciences
Faculty Service Area (FSA)
The following disciplines meet the requirements to teach in this field:

Geography, Physical Geography, Human/Cultural Geography, Urban Geography, Geomorphology, Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorology, Climatology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Sustainability, Geographical Sciences

Course Subjects

GPH - Physical Geography, GCU - Cultural/Human Geography, GEOG - Geographical Sciences, GIS - Geographic Information Systems/Science, any 400 or 500 level course cross listed with Geography, any 400-level course that is also cross listed as a 500+ level course in Geography

Course Titles and Keywords

Geography Thesis, Geography Seminar, Geography Dissertation, Geography Research Methods, Geographic Education